ESP32 Minimum Dev Board#


In this chapter we will build a minimal ESP32 development board with SKiDL. We will go through the entire PCB workflow including: circuit creation, PCB generation, part placement, routing, and generating manufacturing files.

Basic Example#

Let’s start by creating a folder called skidl_esp32_example then create a file named In we will:

  • Import the SKiDL libraries

  • Create the ESP32 part

  • Generate a netlist

from skidl import *

esp32 = Part('RF_Module','ESP32-WROOM-32', footprint='RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32')

When you run the code you’ll see a few files created as well as the skidl_esp32_example.kicad_pcb file: esp32 minimal

Open the .kicad_pcb file in KiCAD.


Peripheral Circuits#

Now let’s add a bit more to this board. We’ll add a few components around the ESP32

  • Capacitors on the power rails

  • Reset button

  • Headers to make all pins available

First, let’s make a bulk and decoupling capacitor. You can read more about why we need these 2 capacitors here

from skidl import *

esp32 = Part('RF_Module','ESP32-WROOM-32', footprint='RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32')

c_bulk = Part('Device', 'C', value='10uF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')
c_decoupling = Part('Device', 'C', value='100nF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')


Next, we’ll make the power nets V3_3 and GND and attached them to the ESP32 as well as the capacitors:

from skidl import *

esp32 = Part('RF_Module','ESP32-WROOM-32', footprint='RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32')

c_bulk = Part('Device', 'C', value='10uF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')
c_decoupling = Part('Device', 'C', value='100nF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')

V3_3 = Net('V3_3')
GND = Net('GND')

V3_3 += esp32['VDD'], c_bulk[1], c_decoupling[1]
GND += esp32['GND'], c_bulk[2], c_decoupling[2]


Now we can add a reset button with a pull-up resistor and bypass capacitor circuitry:

from skidl import *

esp32 = Part('RF_Module','ESP32-WROOM-32', footprint='RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32')

c_bulk = Part('Device', 'C', value='10uF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')
c_bypass = Part('Device', 'C', value='100nF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')

V3_3 = Net('V3_3')
GND = Net('GND')

V3_3 += esp32['VDD'], c_bulk[1], c_bypass[1]
GND += esp32['GND'], c_bulk[2], c_bypass[2]

# Reset switch circuit
r_en_pullup = Part('Device', 'R', value='10k', footprint='Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric')
r_en_pullup[1] += esp32['EN']
r_en_pullup[2] += V3_3
c_en_filter = Part('Device', 'C', value='10uF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')
c_en_filter[1] += esp32['EN']
c_en_filter[2] += GND
switch = Part('Switch','SW_DPST', footprint='Button_Switch_THT:SW_Push_2P1T_Toggle_CK_PVA1xxH1xxxxxxV2')
switch[1,2] += esp32['EN']
switch[3,4] += GND


Now we’ll use some SKiDL magic and breakout all the ESP32 pins to headers. We’ll make a function breakout_ic() to take in any IC and any header:

from skidl import *

esp32 = Part('RF_Module','ESP32-WROOM-32', footprint='RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32')

c_bulk = Part('Device', 'C', value='10uF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')
c_bypass = Part('Device', 'C', value='100nF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')

V3_3 = Net('V3_3')
GND = Net('GND')

V3_3 += esp32['VDD'], c_bulk[1], c_bypass[1]
GND += esp32['GND'], c_bulk[2], c_bypass[2]

# Reset switch circuit
r_en_pullup = Part('Device', 'R', value='10k', footprint='Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric')
r_en_pullup[1] += esp32['EN']
r_en_pullup[2] += V3_3
c_en_filter = Part('Device', 'C', value='10uF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')
c_en_filter[1] += esp32['EN']
c_en_filter[2] += GND
switch = Part('Switch','SW_DPST', footprint='Button_Switch_THT:SW_Push_2P1T_Toggle_CK_PVA1xxH1xxxxxxV2')
switch[1,2] += esp32['EN']
switch[3,4] += GND

def breakout_ic(ic, header):
    counter = 1
    # Iterate through IC pins in pin order and connect them to a header
    for n in range(1, len(ic.pins) +1): # ic.pins may not be in footprint order
        pin = ic[n]
        headers[-1][counter] += pin
        counter += 1
        # Check if we've reached the end of the header
        if counter > len(header.pins):
            counter = 1
            # Add another copy of the header to the list
            # Disconnect all the pins of the new header
            for i in headers[-1].pins:

header = Part('Connector', 'Conn_01x05_Male', footprint='Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x05_P2.54mm_Vertical', dest=TEMPLATE)

breakout_ic(esp32, header)


The parts are placed neatly on the PCB by another tool SKiDL runs in the background call HierPlace.


Feel free to move parts around before routing.


To route the board we will use the auto-routing tool freerouting.

  • Create the fill-zone and fill it in

  • Export the pcb file as a Specctra DNS file

  • Import the Specctra DNS file into freerouting

  • Auto-route and export the result as a Specctra Session File

  • Import the Speccta Session File into the pcb editor

auto route

Generate Gerbers#

Lastly, we generate gerber files to send to the board house for manufacturing. generate gerbers


In this chapter we walked through the complete workflow to generate a minimal ESP32 development board. We saw how SKiDL completely eliminates the need for schematic and allowed us to perform an interesting trick for breaking out the ESP32 pins.