ESP32 Continued#

Now let’s break up the large python script into subcircuits so it’s easier to manage. We’ll make functions that create and connect all of our parts similar to breakout_ic() we learned previously.

Create Subcircuits#

Start by moving the ESP32 to a function, along with some capacitors. In the function arguments we set the default names for power rails to V3_3 and GND:

def esp32_circuit(V3_3=Net('V3_3'), GND=Net('GND')):
    esp32 = Part('RF_Module','ESP32-WROOM-32', footprint='RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32')

    c_bulk = Part('Device', 'C', value='10uF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')
    c_bypass = Part('Device', 'C', value='100nF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')

    V3_3 += esp32[1], c_bulk[1], c_bypass[1]
    GND += esp32[2], c_bulk[2], c_bypass[2]
    return esp32

The reset circuit can be put into a function as well. This circuit only needs the MCU_EN signal, in addition to the assumed V3_3 and GND power rails:

def reset_circuit(MCU_EN, V3_3=Net('V3_3'), GND=Net('GND')):
    r_en_pullup = Part('Device', 'R', value='10k', footprint='Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric')
    r_en_pullup[1] += MCU_EN
    r_en_pullup[2] += V3_3
    c_en_filter = Part('Device', 'C', value='10uF', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric')
    c_en_filter[1] += MCU_EN
    c_en_filter[2] += GND
    switch = Part('Switch','SW_DPST', footprint='Button_Switch_THT:SW_Push_2P1T_Toggle_CK_PVA1xxH1xxxxxxV2')
    switch[1,2] += MCU_EN
    switch[3,4] += GND

Part Templates#

In the examples so far we’ve used many resistors and capacitors that share the same symbol and footprint. We can create a part template that can be copied when we need by defining a part and adding dest=TEMPLATE in it’s declaration:

r = Part('Device', 'R', footprint='Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric', dest=TEMPLATE)
c = Part('Device', 'C', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric', dest=TEMPLATE)

Use the new functions in the circuits above to reduce the size and complexity of the circuit:

def esp32_circuit(V3_3=Net('V3_3'), GND=Net('GND')):
    esp32 = Part('RF_Module','ESP32-WROOM-32', footprint='RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32')
    esp32['VDD'] += V3_3
    esp32['GND'] += GND
    c1 = c(value='10uF')
    c1[1] += V3_3
    c1[2] += GND
    c2 = c(value='100nF')
    c2[1] += V3_3
    c2[2] += GND
    return esp32

def reset_circuit(MCU_EN, V3_3=Net('V3_3'), GND=Net('GND')):
    switch = Part('Switch','SW_DPST', footprint='Button_Switch_THT:SW_Push_2P1T_Toggle_CK_PVA1xxH1xxxxxxV2')
    switch[1,2] += MCU_EN
    switch[3,4] += GND

    c1 = c(value='10uF')
    c1[1] += MCU_EN
    c1[2] += GND

    r1 = r(value='10k')
    r1[1] += MCU_EN
    r1[2] += V3_3

Additional Circuits#

Program circuit#

Now we’ll add a new ciruit which will allow us to program the ESP32:

def esp32_prog(GPIO0, RST, DTR, EN):
    npn1 = Part('Transistor_FET', 'DMN2041L', footprint='Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23')
    npn1['S'] += DTR
    npn1['D'] += GPIO0
    r1 = r(value='10k')
    r1[1] += npn1['G']
    r1[2] += RST

    npn2 = Part('Transistor_FET', 'DMN2041L', footprint='Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23')
    npn2['S'] += EN
    npn2['D'] += RST
    r2 = r(value='10k')
    r2[1] += npn2['G']
    r2[2] += DTR

USB Circuit#

We need to be able to talk to the ESP32 over serial for programming and communication. The USB circuit will also be our source of power for the ESP32 board. Add a USB circuit to our board:

def usb_interface(RX, TX, EN, IO0, V3_3=Net('V3_3'), GND=Net('GND')):
    cp2104 = Part('Interface_USB','CP2104', footprint='Package_DFN_QFN:QFN-24-1EP_4x4mm_P0.5mm_EP2.6x2.6mm')
    # Connect power pins
    cp2104['VDD','VIO','REGIN'] += V3_3
    cp2104['GND'] += GND
    # IC capacitors

    c1 = c(value='10uF')
    c1[1] += V3_3
    c1[2] += GND
    c2 = c(value='100nF')
    c2[1] += V3_3
    c2[2] += GND
    # Cap to allow ROM writing
    c3 = c(value='4.7uF')
    c3[1] += cp2104['VPP']
    c3[2] += GND

    # Make mini USB_B connector
    usb_conn = Part('Connector', 'USB_A', footprint='Connector_USB:USB_A_Molex_67643_Horizontal')
    # Connect IC to connecotr
    usb_conn['VBUS'] += cp2104['VBUS']
    usb_conn['D-'] += cp2104['D-']
    usb_conn['D+'] += cp2104['D+']
    # usb_conn['ID'] # not connected
    usb_conn['GND','Shield'] += GND
    # uart resistors

    r1 = r(value='470R')
    r1[1] += cp2104['RXD']
    r1[2] += TX

    r2 = r(value='470R')
    r2[1] += cp2104['TXD']
    r2[2] += RX
    return usb_conn, cp2104

Voltage regulator#

This circuit will convert the 5v USB supply into the 3.3V to the ESP32.

def linear_regulator(VIN, V3_3=Net('V3_3'), GND=Net('GND')):
    reg = Part('Regulator_Linear', 'NCP1117-3.3_SOT223', footprint='Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-223-3_TabPin2')
    reg['GND'] += GND
    reg['VI'] += VIN
    reg['VO'] += V3_3
    # Bulk caps
    c1 = c(value='10uF')
    c1[1] += VIN
    c1[2] += GND
    c2 = c(value='10uF')
    c2[1] += V3_3
    c2[2] += GND

Final script#

See Code
from skidl import *

r = Part('Device', 'R', footprint='Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric', dest=TEMPLATE)
c = Part('Device', 'C', footprint='Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric', dest=TEMPLATE)

def esp32_circuit(V3_3=Net('V3_3'), GND=Net('GND')):
    esp32 = Part('RF_Module','ESP32-WROOM-32', footprint='RF_Module:ESP32-WROOM-32')
    esp32['VDD'] += V3_3
    esp32['GND'] += GND
    c1 = c(value='10uF')
    c1[1] += V3_3
    c1[2] += GND
    c2 = c(value='100nF')
    c2[1] += V3_3
    c2[2] += GND
    return esp32

def reset_circuit(MCU_EN, V3_3=Net('V3_3'), GND=Net('GND')):
    switch = Part('Switch','SW_DPST', footprint='Button_Switch_THT:SW_Push_2P1T_Toggle_CK_PVA1xxH1xxxxxxV2')
    switch[1,2] += MCU_EN
    switch[3,4] += GND

    c1 = c(value='10uF')
    c1[1] += MCU_EN
    c1[2] += GND

    r1 = r(value='10k')
    r1[1] += MCU_EN
    r1[2] += V3_3
def usb_interface(RX, TX, EN, IO0, V3_3=Net('V3_3'), GND=Net('GND')):
    cp2104 = Part('Interface_USB','CP2104', footprint='Package_DFN_QFN:QFN-24-1EP_4x4mm_P0.5mm_EP2.6x2.6mm')
    # Connect power pins
    cp2104['VDD','VIO','REGIN'] += V3_3
    cp2104['GND'] += GND
    # IC capacitors

    c1 = c(value='10uF')
    c1[1] += V3_3
    c1[2] += GND
    c2 = c(value='100nF')
    c2[1] += V3_3
    c2[2] += GND
    # Cap to allow ROM writing
    c3 = c(value='4.7uF')
    c3[1] += cp2104['VPP']
    c3[2] += GND

    # Make mini USB_B connector
    usb_conn = Part('Connector', 'USB_A', footprint='Connector_USB:USB_A_Molex_67643_Horizontal')
    # Connect IC to connecotr
    usb_conn['VBUS'] += cp2104['VBUS']
    usb_conn['D-'] += cp2104['D-']
    usb_conn['D+'] += cp2104['D+']
    # usb_conn['ID'] # not connected
    usb_conn['GND','Shield'] += GND
    # uart resistors

    r1 = r(value='470R')
    r1[1] += cp2104['RXD']
    r1[2] += TX

    r2 = r(value='470R')
    r2[1] += cp2104['TXD']
    r2[2] += RX
    return usb_conn, cp2104

def esp32_prog(GPIO0, RST, DTR, EN):
    npn1 = Part('Transistor_FET', 'DMN2041L', footprint='Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23')
    npn1['S'] += DTR
    npn1['D'] += GPIO0
    r1 = r(value='10k')
    r1[1] += npn1['G']
    r1[2] += RST

    npn2 = Part('Transistor_FET', 'DMN2041L', footprint='Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-23')
    npn2['S'] += EN
    npn2['D'] += RST
    r2 = r(value='10k')
    r2[1] += npn2['G']
    r2[2] += DTR

def linear_regulator(VIN, V3_3=Net('V3_3'), GND=Net('GND')):
    reg = Part('Regulator_Linear', 'NCP1117-3.3_SOT223', footprint='Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SOT-223-3_TabPin2')
    reg['GND'] += GND
    reg['VI'] += VIN
    reg['VO'] += V3_3
    # Bulk caps
    c1 = c(value='10uF')
    c1[1] += VIN
    c1[2] += GND
    c2 = c(value='10uF')
    c2[1] += V3_3
    c2[2] += GND
def breakout_ic(ic, header):
    counter = 1
    # Iterate through IC pins in pin order and connect them to a header
    for n in range(1, len(ic.pins) +1): # ic.pins may not be in footprint order
        pin = ic[n]
        headers[-1][counter] += pin
        counter += 1
        # Check if we've reached the end of the header
        if counter > len(header.pins):
            counter = 1
            # Add another copy of the header to the list
            # Disconnect all the pins of the new header
            for i in headers[-1].pins:

esp32 = esp32_circuit()
usb_conn, usb_ic = usb_interface(esp32['RXD0/IO3'], esp32['TXD0/IO1'], esp32['EN'], esp32['IO0'])
esp32_prog(esp32['IO0'], esp32['EN'], usb_ic["~{RTS}"], usb_ic["~{DTR}"])

header = Part('Connector', 'Conn_01x05_Male', 
              footprint='Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x05_P2.54mm_Vertical', dest=TEMPLATE)

breakout_ic(esp32, header)


We can now import the netlist into KiCAD as we’ve done before and continue on with the board design process.


In this chapter we completed the ESP32 dev board using Python functions to wrap individual circuits.